Belinda Stands Tall. Sloan-Nicholls Exploit Christian Voters.
Saturday, March 5, 2022
It is one thing to make a mistake.
It is quite another thing go out of your way to deceive and lie to exploit Ontarians.
For the last few years at Queen's Park - through fake news articles from establishment media outlets like Post Media and the Toronto Star - lying and deceiving seems to have become the norm, and not just from PC, Liberal, or NDP MPPs.
The lying and deceiving also comes from so-called "Christian" politicians, like eleven-year PC MPP Rick Nicholls and his co-conspirator Derek Sloan.
Three days before Christmas, Nicholls sent out a press release stating that he had joined a political party led by Sloan. The Chatham Daily News - owned by Post Media - called it "official." Click here to read the article.
Fake news.
That Christmas story from Nicholls and Sloan was a lie.
To be recognized at Queen's Park as a politician under a party, all Nicholls has to do is answer the phone when the legislative staff calls and confirm that he is no longer an "Independent."
But 2.5 months later, Nicholls is still recognized at the legislature as an "Independent" MPP.
Despite telling Ontarians that he is part of some party, Nicholls hasn't joined anything.
I provide the images below from the legislature's listing showing the New Blue Party of Ontario as the only other party at Queen's Park other than the four establishment parties (PC, Liberal, NDP, Green).
You can also click here for the actual official listing on the Queen's Park website.
If you have followed Nicholls's eleven-year career in politics, you won't be surprised by this.
Saying whatever his establishment progressive masters want him to say, is what Nicholls does, even if it means sticking it to his constituents or sticking it to the Christian voters who won him his PC nomination when he first started.
Below are just a couple of examples.
Unlike Belinda, who voted against the Ford PC lockdown bill in July of 2020, Nicholls voted in favour. And Nicholls didn't stop there - he went further than almost any other PC MPP in Ford's caucus.
On January 2, 2021, Nicholls praised the Ford PC government in their handling of COVID-19 in an interview with the same Chatham Daily News.
While Ontarians were suffering under repeat lockdowns and mandates, Nicholls boasted that the Ford PC government's handling of COVID-19 was "excellent" and worthy of an "A-" grade. Click here for the news report.
After eleven years as a loyal lapdog, Nicholls only finds himself out of the PC caucus because he had took issue with his establishment progressive masters forcing him to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
For over a year, as 14 million other Ontarians were being coerced or forced into taking the same COVID-19 vaccine to hold on to their jobs, schooling, or so their kids could play soccer or hockey, Nicholls didn't have a problem with what his Ford PC government was doing.
Of course, the most recent deception from the Sloan-Nicholls duo came on Thursday at Queen's Park. While claiming that they fight for "faith and family" and are for "parental rights," Nicholls - as supported by Team Sloan - voted in favour of an NDP bill seeking to infuse Critical Race Theory in our schools.
That left Belinda at to show the men how to lead and challenge. Belinda not only voted against an NDP bill trying to infuse our schools with Critical Race Theory, she also rose to debate in favour of the Jobs and Jabs Bill tabled by the Independent MPP from York Centre.
Click here or on the image below to watch.
Belinda's speech echoed our commitment that will be found in New Blue platform, the New Blueprint - to make COVID-19 vaccine "passports" illegal by banning their use.
And the New Blueprint will include restitution for students, workers, and protestors, who have lost so much as a result of these mandates.
The establishment PC operators behind Sloan and Nicholls are doing their best to undermine the New Blue Party and confuse voters heading into May.
With Nicholls looking forward to becoming a lobbyist after his retirement, as he told the media (click here), he is eager to satisfy his establishment progressive masters one last time.
And Derek Sloan is eager to follow Nicholls in his footsteps as the next Ontario politician who exploits Christian voters while secretly taking orders from his establishment progressive masters in the back.
It is up to us to make sure it doesn't work
We need your help to bring clarity to the few who are confused.
Our experience watching politicians like Sloan and Nicholls deceive and exploit voters over the years, is what led Belinda and I to realize that a brighter future in Ontario needs a New Blue Party to bring in new people into our politics.
The future is bright for those with courage, conviction, and integrity because that what is needed and what is lacking.
That is why Ontarians are inspired by Belinda when she stands tall to the bullies at Queen's Park.
And that is why they will be inspired by the New Blue Party in May.
We will keep moving forward, standing up for you, and standing against those who reveal themselves and also those who deceive and lie to exploit Ontarians.
Thank you for all your support!
The best is yet to come.
Jim Karahalios
Leader, New Blue Party of Ontario