Policy Declaration
As proposed by New Blue Party members May 21, 2024 through June 17, 2024
As ratified by the delegates to the New Blue Party’s first in-person Policy and Planning Conference June 19, 2024
1. Cancel the Star’s Gambling Licence
The New Blue Party supports a free press and will cancel the Toronto Star’s $500 million online gambling licence gifted by the Ontario PC government.
2. Ban Lobbyists
The New Blue Party supports legislation that bans lobbyist activity in political party elections and other internal party votes.
3. Implement Bill 150
The New Blue Party supports legislation that will crack down on voter fraud in internal political party elections.
4. Manually Count Votes of Eligible Voters
The New Blue Party supports keeping Ontario elections transparent, free, and fair by requiring voters to present valid voter ID prior to voting and by counting ballots manually, not through the use of electronic vote tabulator machines that do not allow scrutineers to see the ballots that are being counted.
5. Defund BDS Supporters
The New Blue Party supports defunding any organization receiving public funding that supports Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) or other campaigns targeting Israel, its economy, or local Jewish communities and/or Jewish organizations.
6. Reduce Administrative Costs in Education
The New Blue Party supports reducing administrative costs in the education system.
7. Alternative Schooling Tax Credits
The New Blue Party supports parental school choice in the form of alternative schooling tax credits and/or a student voucher system.
8. Stop “Woke” Activism
The New Blue Party supports ending “woke” activism with the removal of critical race theory and gender identity theory from Ontario schools.
9. Educate on the Dangers of Communism
The New Blue Party supports policies, regulations, or legislations similar to Senate Bill 1264 legislation in Florida, which requires teaching students in the public education system the dangers and evils of communism.
10. Parents’ Bill of Rights
The New Blue Party supports legislating a Parents’ Bill of Rights to formalize and empower the role of parents in educational decision-making, enhancing transparency, trust, and collaboration within the education system.
11. Free Speech Immunity in Education
The New Blue Party supports policies that provide “free speech immunity” to parents, educators, trustees, students, and other stakeholders providing their opinions on the education system.
12. Merit Based Education
The New Blue Party supports scrapping Ontario’s high school lottery system and replacing it with a system based on meritocracy.
13. Bring Back the Safe Schools Act
The New Blue Party supports repealing progressive discipline in our schools and bringing back the Safe Schools Act.
14. “NU Blue” Energy Policy
The New Blue Party supports the creation of an energy policy focused on nuclear and water energy sources.
15. Reduce Electricity Rates
The New Blue Party supports taking down wind turbines to reduce electricity prices.
16. Climate Change
The New Blue Party supports the elimination of government funded “green” and “climate change” policies.
17. Axe Ontario’s Carbon Tax
The New Blue Party supports Axing the Carbon Tax, including the federal Liberal government’s carbon tax and the Ontario PC government’s industrial carbon tax and carbon pricing system.
18. Provide Tax Relief
The New Blue Party supports tax relief and cutting Ontario’s HST from 13% to 10% with a long-term objective of scrapping the HST entirely.
19. Scrap the Political Party Subsidy
The New Blue Party supports scrapping the $100 million taxpayer subsidy of political parties.
20. Prohibition of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
The New Blue Party supports legislation that will make Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) unlawful in the province of Ontario and supports Bitcoin as its decentralized nature serves as an effective hedge against CBDCs.
21. Rights, Privacy Protections, and Financial Framework
The New Blue Party supports Bitcoin and will support legislation that will: Uphold the right for individuals to self-custody their Bitcoin and run a Bitcoin node at home; Implement KYC regulations only at the same level as those required for banks. [Download PDF to read more]
22. Alcohol System Reform
The New Blue Party supports the privatization of the LCBO and removing the Beer Store monopoly.
23. Unlocking of Locked in Investment Accounts (LIRA)
The New Blue Party supports a policy to allow the unlocking of 100% of Locked In Investment Accounts (LIRA) from the current 50% rule.
24. Rehire the Nurses
The New Blue Party supports rehiring the nurses and healthcare workers fired as a result of COVID-19 mandates.
25. Offer Choice in Services
The New Blue Party supports clearing the backlog of procedures by offering choice in healthcare services including private healthcare options.
26. End COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates That Still Exist in Ontario
The New Blue Party supports ending the COVID-19 vaccine mandates that still exist in hospitals in Ontario, as well as other healthcare sector workplaces, public sector workplaces, private sector workplaces, and post-secondary educational institutions.
27. Provincial Health Coverage re. Pregnancy
The New Blue Party supports defunding elective abortion.
28. Keep WHO out of OHIP
The New Blue Party supports legislation that limits the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario in penalizing a doctor’s right to free speech.
29. Sanctity of Human Life
The New Blue Party supports the protection and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.
30. Hold a COVID-19 Inquiry
The New Blue Party supports holding an inquiry into the COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns based on sound scientific facts only.
31. Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act
The New Blue Party supports legislation providing a direct route to evict tenants within 30 days of not paying rent and causing property damage.
32. Freedom of Choice for Union Membership
The New Blue Party supports changing labour laws to allow union members greater latitude to object to unionization and payment of union dues.
33a. Immigration Control
The New Blue Party supports Ontario having more control over its immigration (like Quebec), including the ability to set its own immigration levels, select all of its economic class immigrants, control temporary residence admissions, have a say on the family and refugee classes …
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33b. Immigration Control
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… have full control over settlement funding provided to it by the federal government to service newcomers with assistance (such as language training, job training, and other supports) and have sex-ratio balance of 1:1 (male/female) for all new migrants entering Ontario.
34. Enforce Provincial Authorities
The New Blue Party supports the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments as provided for in the Canadian Constitution.
35. Provincial Sovereignty
The New Blue Party shall not support any authority imposed by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum in the Province of Ontario. [Download PDF to read more]
36. Stop the MAID Agenda
The New Blue Party will work to stop the expansion of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for seniors, those with mental or physical disabilities, or veterans and will instead promote palliative care to enable dying with dignity and care.
37. Injection Sites
The New Blue Party opposes provincial funding for drug injection sites.
38a. Eliminate Expropriation of Farmland
The New Blue Party supports private property rights.
i. Landowners in Ontario should be assured their right to own, use, enjoy, manage and benefit from your own private property.
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38b. Eliminate Expropriation of Farmland
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ii. Legislation should be established to stop the expropriation of farmland without the consent of the landowner for the purpose of being developed into cities, towns, or villages and to make it unacceptable for the government or governmental bodies to assign certain change zoning or expropriate privately owned property without the formal approval of the property owner.
39. Parent Suffrage
The New Blue Party supports legislation that ensures that voting in school board elections is limited to parents who live in the school district.
40. An Ontario Bill of Rights
The New Blue Party supports the creation of an Ontario Bill of Rights, similar to the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights.
41a. Protecting Ontario’s Youth from Sexual Predators
The New Blue Party supports legislation that will protect Ontario’s youth from sexual predators, including:
i. Mandating that volunteers working with minors be required to take regular criminal record checks that need to be renewed for the purposes of updating and thus they are not permanent.
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41b. Protecting Ontario’s Youth from Sexual Predators
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ii. Ending government funding for organizations owned or controlled by an individual that has been criminally convicted of a sexual offense relating to a minor;
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41c. Protecting Ontario’s Youth from Sexual Predators
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iii. Preventing individuals that are not legally recognized as guardians of a child 16 years or younger from having school boards remove the guardian as the child’s primary contact; and
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41d. Protecting Ontario’s Youth from Sexual Predators
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iv. Directing government funding to support victims of sexual crimes instead of towards rehabilitating the criminals that commit the sexual crimes.
42. Defund the Establishment Media
The New Blue Party supports applying a provincial tax on corporate media that receive any of the $600 million federal government taxpayer “bailout” subsidy from the federal government.