You asked for another option. Now be a part of it!
Become a New Blue Party member!
A different kind of political party membership.
To mail your membership application instead, please click here to download the membership application form.
Joining any one of Ontario’s establishment political parties as a “member” gets you nothing more than annoying telemarketing phone calls for donations.
And as we have seen over the last few years in the Ontario PC Party, sometimes being a “member” will get you defrauded of your vote in fixed internal party elections!
Being a New Blue Party member is different!
As a New Blue member you will be able to:
Apply to stand for election as a New Blue candidate.
Connect with local New Blue Party members and supporters by attending future New Blue Party events and conventions subject to attendance criteria.
Participate in your local New Blue Party riding association as a member pursuant to our Founding Constitution - click here.
Influence New Blue Party policy as per our Founding Constitution - click here.
Participate in our New Blue Party candidate selection process as per our Founding Constitution - click here.
If you are at least 14 years of age, reside in Ontario, and agree to abide by the Founding Constitution (click here) and the terms and conditions found below, then you are eligible to join!
Membership Terms and Conditions
Application for membership to the New Blue Party of Ontario on-line through the party’s website - www.newblueontario.com/membership - or by mailing this form (click here) to New Blue Ontario Fund, PO BOX 20046, Cambridge Centre, 355 Hespeler Road, N1R6B0 - is subject to review by the party before final approval and subject to the New Blue Party’s Founding Constitution - click here.
Annual membership fees to political parties in Ontario, including the amount permitted, are governed by section 30 of Ontario’s Election Finances Act which can be found by clicking here.
Unlike a donation or contribution to the New Blue Ontario Fund, fees collected for a membership in the New Blue Party of Ontario are not eligible for a tax receipt, are not tax deductible, and do not provide you with a political tax credit or a charitable tax credit, pursuant to section 30 of Ontario’s Election Finances Act which can be found by clicking here.
All New Blue Party members are bound by the party’s Founding Constitution, including but not limited to the provisions detailing requirements to be a party member, any current or future party by-laws, any current or future party terms and conditions related to membership, and any current or future decisions of the party’s founding board.
The New Blue Party reserves the right to not accept an application for membership pursuant to the requirements of the Founding Constitution, its by-laws, and other terms, conditions, or decisions made by the party.