Establishment Backroom Deals Are Hurting Ontario

Fri, Mar 11, 2022

Your hard earned tax dollars are being spent to fund Ontario's establishment political parties and fuel nefarious backroom deals.

In 2021, Doug Ford broke his promise to end political welfare in Ontario by bringing back the taxpayer per-vote subsidy of the establishment political parties at Queen's Park. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Ford increased the subsidy by 40%!

The Ontario PCs now receive $5.9 million annually in taxpayer money, the Ontario NDP receive $5 million, and the Ontario Liberals receive $2.8 million. Over the last 10 years, these parties have collected more than $100 million in taxpayer money through this per-vote subsidy.

For the last two years, as hundreds of thousands of Ontarians lost their jobs, millions of taxpayer dollars were being funnelled to the establishment political parties and "Independent" MPPs through this subsidy.

Can you imagine how much of that money is being used to fuel backroom deals and fund the operations of nefarious political operatives?

And sometimes, these backroom arrangements exist between establishment political parties.

We saw this recently when ALL MPPs at Queen's Park voted in favour of Bill 67 on second reading, designed to infuse Critical Race Theory in our schools.

Only the New Blue's Belinda had the courage and conviction to stand tall and vote NO!

Prior to the vote on Bill 67, I explained how the establishment parties collude amongst each other and within their parties to exploit Ontarians, during our press conference at Queen's Park outlining the New Blue's party priorities.

Click here or on the image below to watch!


Another example of a backroom arrangement the Ford PCs had with the other establishment political parties, came in late 2020.

The Ford PCs tabled Bill 213, disguised as legislation that would "reduce burdens on people and businesses" but which contained one section that was a direct attack on freedom of religion. Bill 213 would have given the Ontario government NEW powers to revoke the licence of any marriage officiant if they did not comply with a new marital "Code of Practice" or if revoking the licence was "in the public interest," each as determined by one cabinet minister.

Thanks to Belinda and New Blue supporters, we put a stop to this marital Code of Practice.

In the same bill, the government granted three Christian colleges the right to award additional degrees. The NDP and the Liberals were seemingly fine with this part of Bill 213. Once New Blue supporters put pressure on the Ford PC government to remove the Code of Practice from Bill 213 - which they did - only then did the NDP and Liberals take to the media to advocate against one Christian college being granted the right to award additional degrees.

It was clear to everyone, except of course the establishment mainstream media, that a backroom deal had been struck between the PCs, NDP, and Liberals.

And just like the taxpayer per-vote subsidy that the establishment political parties agreed to give each other, and just like with Bill 67 on Critical Race Theory, the only people who didn't benefit from this backroom deal were hard-working Ontarians!

We are seeing more of these establishment backroom tricks as we head to the June 2nd election. The establishment is pulling out all the stops because they know the New Blue is a threat to their destructive progressive policies and a threat to the lobbyists in charge.

But we will push through and keep moving forward, just like we have before.

I know you are going to be excited when you see the full plan of the New Blueprint and the New Blue candidates we have running to challenge the established political parties for the next election.

The best is yet to come!

Jim Karahalios

Leader, New Blue Party of Ontario

P.S. Unlike the establishment political parties, we do not receive the per-vote taxpayer subsidy. Our marketing is entirely funded by voluntary contributions from our supporters.