Fighting for our shared values.
Thursday, April 22, 2022
With your support, we have proven that the values and principles that define the New Blue Party of Ontario are shared by millions of Ontarians.
For seven years, we have stood on principle for our shared values and principles including:
The right to participate in the political process without fear of retribution;
The right to a political opinion, without receiving a knock on the door from a government agent;
Elections that are free and fair; and
Enjoying the maximum use of the fruits of one's own labour.
Others want us to believe that our shared values and principles and the rights and responsibilities that flow from them started with, and were granted by government, with the creation of "the Charter."
That line of thinking is not only wrong, it is a dangerous political ideology that only further serves to embolden the establishment left.
If we are to believe that our intrinsic values and principles were granted to us by government with the creation of "the Charter," the establishment will then tell us that since government gave us these rights and responsibilities, government can also take them away whenever they want.
In fact, that has been the underlying argument from our Doug Ford PC government and their talking heads, for the last two years.
The truth is, our shared values and principles existed long before "the Charter" and they are not owned by Doug Ford or any other government.
Our shared values and principles are intrinsic in Ontarians.
And our shared values and principles are in fact mainstream.
They are the natural values and principles that people like my parents, and the parents, grandparents, and ancestors of millions of other Ontarians, all shared and pursued when they chose this place in hope of a brighter future.
Last night, I shared this message with over 130 supporters in Burlington along with many of our New Blue Party candidates.
We must continue to challenge all efforts to redefine our values and principles.
Just as we have balanced the narrative.
And just as we have, and will continue, to change the course.
We have 122 candidates and only need candidates in two more ridings to field a full slate!
We can use your help with a contribution to boost our campaign for May!
Click here to chip in today!
Together, we can ensure that the best is yet to come!
Jim Karahalios
Leader, New Blue Party of Ontario
P.S. Unlike the establishment political parties, we do not receive the per-vote taxpayer subsidy. Our marketing is entirely funded by voluntary contributions from our supporters.