Ford PCs Outspend McGuinty & Wynne
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Doug Ford's Ontario PC government has overseen an increase to the provincial debt so monstrous that it overshadows the spending of both its Liberal predecessors (who, needless to say, were famous for their terrible fiscal records).
It’s true.
According to Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office, the Ford PCs have added $132.1 billion to the provincial debt since taking office in 2018.
For context, Dalton McGuinty added about $103.4 billion to Ontario’s debt over 10 years, while Kathleen Wynne added $71.7 billion over five years.
That means that even outside of COVID-19 spending — which accounted for approximately $51 billion — the Ford PC government has outpaced both McGuinty and Wynne in accumulating debt in a shorter period.
Evidently, Doug Ford and his Ontario PC caucus of clapping seals have no commitment to conservative principles, even when it comes to something as common sense and noncontroversial as fiscal restraint.
Even the Canadian Taxpayer Federation — an advocacy group controlled by Conservative PC establishment donors — can’t avoid the truth of how bad the Ontario PC Party is on fiscal policy.
A recent article on their site acknowledged that "[PC Finance Minister] Bethlenfalvy and Ford haven’t been able to resist the urge to spend … Ontario is now the most indebted sub-sovereign entity in the world."
The Ford PCs are continuing to drive Ontario's economy into the ground, faster than the disastrous Liberal governments before them.
Now, more than ever, the New Blue Party is needed to continue to hold Ontario's left-wing PC government — and all of Ontario's left-wing parties — to account.
With your continued support we will keep growing the New Blue and offer even stronger leadership to challenge the left, balance the narrative, and change the course.
If you are able, please chip in (by clicking here) to help us prepare for an early Ontario provincial election as the only true and blue option on the ballot.
Thank you for your support!
Annie Nolan
New Blue Party of Ontario
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