NEW VIDEO! $13 Million Taxpayer Rip-off / Party Subsidy.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Last night, the Chair of the Ontario PC Fund sent out a fundraising email boasting about the Ford PCs changing election finance laws to allow for a maximum donation to the Ontario PC Party of $3,325 this year.
But the PC email didn't reveal that in the same bill, the PCs also brought back a dirty rotten Liberal scheme - the annual per-vote taxpayer subsidy of establishment political parties.
This Ford PC law sees more than $13 million in taxpayer dollars spent every year to line the pockets of PC, Liberal, and NDP consultants, "strategists", and lobbyists and their party operations.
And not only did the PCs bring back this Liberal scheme, they increased it by 40%!
The Ontario Liberal Party now receives $2.8 million a year...
.... the Ontario NDP receives $5 million...
... and the Ontario PC Party receives $5.9 MILLION!
Over the last ten years, these three parties have received more than $100 million dollars in taxpayer money.
This money could have been spent on tax relief for Ontarians or to provide services like expanding early treatment of COVID-19.
It is time to end this terrible taxpayer rip-off.
One of the key pillars of our party platform - the New Blueprint - will be to scrap the PC-Liberal per-vote taxpayer subsidy of political parties and make sure it never comes back.
To let people know about our campaign promise, we invested in our newest video for wide distribution.
Thank you for all your support!
The best is yet to come.
Jim Karahalios
Leader, New Blue Party of Ontario
P.S. Unlike the establishment political parties, we do not receive the per-vote taxpayer subsidy. Our marketing is entirely funded by voluntary contributions from our supporters.