NEW VIDEO! Defund the Toronto Star!
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Did you know the Doug Ford PCs recently gifted a $500 million dollar online gambling license - the first of its kind in Ontario - to the Toronto Star?
Click here to watch our latest New Blue video about this PC-approved Liberal Jackpot!
Two years ago, the Toronto Star was going bankrupt.
So, the Doug Ford PCs threw the failing Toronto Star a lifeline - the same paper that directs hateful messages against Ontarians that don't agree with their big government message.
And after all that, Doug Ford put the Toronto Star's lobbyist - a former top staffer to then Liberal Premier Dalton McGuinty - in charge of it all as the head of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission.
Can you believe it?
Federally, we have the Justin Trudeau Liberals funding the establishment left-wing media.
And now provincially, the Ford PCs have found their own way to once again emulate the Trudeau Liberals by funding the largest anti-taxpayer, anti-freedom, anti-faith, big government left-wing newspaper in the country, the Toronto Star.
The New Blue Party will promote a free press using the powers of provincial jurisdiction.
We will defund the Toronto Star by revoking their online gambling license.
This is one of the key commitments in our platform - the New Blueprint - click here to read the rest.
There is no greater example that I have been able to share with Ontarians that shows the Ford PCs are just another establishment left-wing political party, then when I explain how they unnecessarily gifted the Toronto Star, the first online gambling license in Ontario.
We will continue to call out the backroom arrangements and deals that the establishment puts in place with their lobbyists, operatives, and apologists, all at the expense of Ontarians.
None of the PC or independent MPPs, and not even the Sloan-Nicholls Team, will tell you about these establishment dealings. Why?
The New Blue will continue to stand on principle and stand up for you.
The best is yet to come!
Jim Karahalios
New Blue Party