The Ford government wants to control your thermostat.
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
In a shocking announcement last week, Ontario PC Energy Minister Todd Smith stated that the Ford government will be offering $75 prepaid credit cards to Ontario residents willing to give the government access to their homes' Wi-Fi enabled smart thermostats.
Once given control of a home's thermostat, the provincial government will be able to adjust the temperature between 2 to 4 degrees Celsius during certain periods of peak electricity demand. Click here to read more.
The reason the Ford PCs have given for this invasive new program is that it will "help meet the province's emerging electricity system needs."
These hydro "needs" are appearing primarily because Ontario’s electricity grid does not have close to enough power to support the electric vehicles (EVs) that the Ford PCs and Trudeau Liberals have been shelling out tens of billions of tax dollars to produce and push on consumers in Ontario.
As columnist Lorne Gunter pointed out in an article (click here) earlier this month:
"To recharge all the EVs … mandated by 2035 would require at least six new nuclear power plants. The average nuke generator takes 12 years from design to completion, which means there should be a minimum of six leaving the drawing board right now. There are none."
As the Ford-Trudeau governments continue to subsidize EVs with the end goal of eliminating internal combustion engines, Ontario's electricity grid simply won't be able to keep up.
The Ford government's answer to this problem was to devise a plan that allows them access to Ontarians' home thermostats.
They claim that residents will be notified whenever a temperature change is made and will retain control to manually re-adjust the thermostat in their home if desired. But is that assurance enough?
Once given access, when does the government's ability to control home heating and cooling end? And what incentive do they have to return that power to Ontario residents alone?
The Ford PCs don't exactly have a clean record when it comes to staying out of Ontarians' private lives.
COVID-19 vaccine passports and the longest lockdowns in North America were imposed by Ontario's PC government, after all.
Will they one day declare an "energy emergency" and bar Ontarians from adjusting their own air conditioning or heating? The last several years do not inspire confidence.
Meddlesome "green" energy schemes, corporate welfare, and draconian overreach by the Ontario PCs are just some of the reasons why we created the New Blue Party.
We need one common sense and blue political option to fight back against the left-wing ideologues and lobbyists that run Ontario's establishment political parties.
As we look forward to running candidates in the upcoming provincial by-elections taking place in Kanata-Carleton, Scarborough-Guildwood, and Kitchener Centre (dates to be announced), we ask for your continued support.
Please share our emails with friends and family and on social media, and if you are able, click here to chip in!
Together, we will challenge the left, balance the narrative, and change the course in Ontario!
Belinda Karahalios
New Blue Party of Ontario