We Are United Under the New Blue Party!

Monday, April 4, 2022

This weekend's first-ever New Blue conference was attended by over 700 members and supporters.

Those who want to defend the values that built this province and defeat the establishment political parties, including the Doug Ford PCs, are united. The only hold-outs are the apologists for the establishment and the apologists for the Ontario PC Party.

But what makes the New Blue Party different than the apologists is our track record of challenging the left, balancing the narrative, and changing the course. And our commitment to keep moving forward.

Where the PC apologists offer empty rhetoric that they don't back up with action, we deliver results.

This weekend, we introduced the New Blue Party's 118 candidates for the June 2nd election.

We only need 6 more candidates to run a full slate of 124.
The last six ridings looking for a New Blue candidate are Kenora-Rainy River, Scarborough Centre, Scaborough-Rouge Park, St. Catharines, Thunder Bay-Superior North, and Timmins. Click here to apply!

At the close of the conference, we also officially unveiled our platform - the New Blueprint - and the platform video.

Click here to watch and share the New Blueprint video.

Please consider chipping in with a donation to help us promote the New Blueprint.

I look forward to sharing more with you in the coming days as we start our first campaign.

The best is yet to come!

Jim Karahalios
New Blue Party